Carrinho de compras

  Produto(s) no carrinho Preço Quantidade TOTAL
x IRIScan - Anywhere 6 Wifi
Em estoque
$189,00 Quantity
x IRIScan - Express 4
Out of stock until mid-August 2022 due to the worldwide components shortage. Pre-order recommended
$139,00 Quantity

Readiris - Pro 17 for Windows (Download version)


Readiris PDF 23 - Enterprise 365 (5 lic - yearly)


Readiris - Pro 17 for Macintosh (Download version)


Cart totals

Total (sem imposto sobre vendas) $338,00
Impostos sobre vendas ($0,00)
Desconto (isa6w-0624) ($30,00)
Entrega $40,00
TOTAL com imposto $338,00

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