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This page contains the information you need for the following products:

  • IRIScan Pro 5
  • IRIScan Pro File
IRIScan Pro 5
Use the download links below to obtain the files needed to install IRIScan Pro 5:
File Name Compatibility File Size Download
IRIScan Pro 5 Windows 10 - 11 754MB
File Name Compatibility File Size Download
IRIScan Pro 5 File Windows 10 - 11 1GB
Discover all available videos for IRIScan Pro 5 / File

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Button Manager

Discover how to use the Button Manager

Look at all our videos on Youtube

Do you need complete instructions for using IRIScan Pro 5 ? Consult the following manuals:

Do you need complete instructions for using IRISmart File ? Consult the following manuals:

Do you need complete instructions for using the Button Manager ? Consult the following manuals:
View all resources and specifications for your product:
System Requirements

Windows® software
- CPU: Intel i7 or similar. 2.6 GHz or faster (64 bits), with at least 2 cores
- Graphics card: Intel® Standard Graphics or higher graphics cards with 512 VRAM
- RAM: 1GB (2GB Recommended)
- Hard disk: 2GB
- Windows® operating system: Windows® 7 | Windows® 8 | Windows® 10 | Windows® 11
- Internet connection for software downloading and activation

macOS® software
- CPU: 1.5 Ghz au minimum
- RAM: 1GB (2GB Recommended)
- Hard disk: 2GB
- macOS® operating system: macOS® 10.11 and higher (Mojave included) up to macOS Ventura 13.6
- Internet connection for software downloading and activation

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