Compare Readiris PDF family
Discover the advanced functionalities that Readiris PDF will bring to your productivity! Compare the two available versions: Readiris™ PDF Standard & Readiris™ PDF Business all available with lifetime or yearly licenses.
129,00€ 39,00€
- Scan & OCR in 137 languages
- Import various file formats
- Convert to MS Office formats
- Edit your PDFs
- Annotate your PDFs
- Split & Merge your PDFs
- Secure & Protect your PDFs
- PDF Search and replace
- Crop and perspective correction
- Sign & Protect your PDFs
- Compress your PDFs
- Convert to PDF/A
199,00€ 59,00€
- Scan & OCR in 137 languages
- Import various file formats
- Convert to MS Office formats
- Edit your PDFs
- Annotate your PDFs
- Split & Merge your PDFs
- Secure & Protect your PDFs
- PDF Search and replace
- Crop and perspective correction
- Sign & Protect your PDFs
- Compress your PDFs
- Convert to PDF/A